Monday, March 10, 2008

Italy '95 Reunion

Italy '95 Reunion

...twelve or so years later at a little restaurant in Naples (Long Beach, that is), we gathered.

Front Row from Left: Maricel and Sophie, Rebecca, Val, Adrea, Elizabeth; Back Row from Left: Stephanie, Katherine, Megan, Ellen, Isabel, Melissa, Jason, Stacy, Matt, Bobi, Iona

The room was abuzz with excited chatter, and smiles beamed at the recognition of familiar faces. With every arrival there was a renewed burst of cheer! Warm greetings to classmates, roommates, travel companions, and friends... also included among us were an intrepid pair of husbands and a baby!

A whirl of conversations ensued, bridging the gap since we'd last been together. We talked about careers, marriages, babies, and so many of the other things that life brings. And of course, we talked about Florence, our time there, and those who were unable to join us that night.

Top Left: Isabel, Megan, and Ellen; Top Right: Stephanie, Jason, and Matt ; Bottom: Paul, Val, Ellen, and Melissa

Top: Denise, Iona, and Bobi; Bottom: Val and Ellen

Right: Rebecca, Megan, and Ellen

Elizabeth, Adrea & Paul, Val, and Denise

Katherine, Stacy, and Melissa

We exchanged numbers and made plans to meet again. There were even suggestions for the next reunion - in Florence! Perhaps we'll manage to pull this one off some day.

In the meantime, let's make excuses to meet each other more often instead of waiting for them to bring us together!

Here are the some the gang that wanted to be there, but couldn't make it:

Paul Melendez